Tuesday, November 07, 2006


I´m afraid it´s been a while since my last post, for the three steady readers I have, I´m sorry. I blame my illness.
Got sick monday three weeks ago, finally went to the doctor yesterday and he would happily tell me that I have a powerful case of pneumonia. Yeah, at least now I have the answer for why I have been coughing my brains out for a couple of weeks. Went to the pharmacy and bought some pills that I hope will work.

Managed to have quite a nice weekend even if my healthsituation got me closer and closer to visiting grim the reaper. Had dinner at Kai´s place at friday, then went for a beer afterwards at Internasjonalen. Saturday evening me and my girlfriend spent at Eirik´s new apartment that he rents with his cute little thang, a.k.a. Stine. Eirik is a splendid cook so obviously the food was delicious, even though he claimed to have overcooked the meat a bit. Vanilla Ice Ice Baby and some brownies for dessert finished it off.

Extremely tired of being tired now, so hopefully I can get well soon, wanna start to play basketball again and I really need to get some serious work done or else I won´t have any money for christmas. Have to take some more rounds around town with my portfolio. And have to take some more photos so that this blog can get some interesting posts to work along the boring ones.

The dinnner from saturday