Monday, March 12, 2007


Took a picture of a soccer player today, he is playing on a team I can´t stand so I feel somewhat like Judas today. But the picture is not half bad even though I had about 2 minutes with him.

Some of the images from the Triomar campaign I did some time back are now being published. I´ve seen ads in Dagbladet Magasinet and Vg Helg among other newspapers. So then I guess it´s safe to publish it here as well.

So here are three of the five pictures done with DDB Oslo for Møller Collett. The other two will come out once I´ve seen them somewhere.
I´ve copied three pictures together on each of them to get that panorama-effect.

The original pictures as well as how it appears in the ad. I must say I like it much better with some colour but the client probably would have his products stand out some more and that´s why it´s B&W with a brown touch.