Monday, March 31, 2008

Back Home

So, I got back from my trip this weekend. And this week is also fully booked, shooting monday, tuesday, thursday and friday. Three different jobs, then most likely three shooting days next week as well. Good times I guess.
During todays shoot a film-crew from NRK followed us, so I will be on TV some time in May. Yeah.

Will make a Cape Town post one day, with the highlights from my trip. It was superb.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Sun Sets In Africa

And now I'm heading downtown to enjoy some beers. If I don't blog the next couple of days it's probably because I'm stabbed, lying in a dumpster somewhere.

Sometimes Life Just Smiles At You

Today has been such a day. More pix will come, Cape Town kicks ass.

or the cocky version:

I make my living doing this, what do you do?

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Tonight I'm literally sleeping at the airport. Heading to Cape Town at 06.20 tomorrow morning. This is the view from my window.

Stockholm City

Been hangin out in Stockholm for two days now, shooting more portraits for the annual report I'm doing. Had some spare time as well checking the city out. I like it. Even though it snowed sideways for quite some time I got to see quite a bit.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Even though I have not blogged about him before I do as most of you know have a son in Trondheim, his name is Martin, he is 3,5 years old and is probably the coolest dude you have yet to meet. A die hard Kaptein Sabeltann fan and a talented photographer. He has inherited all my wit and charm :-) and then some so all you kindergarten chicks out there be aware.

Riga, Latvia

Some shots from my spare time in Riga, a surprisingly small city. At least the centre of it, considering 800.000 people live there. Tomorrow I'm heading to Stockholm and then to Cape Town a couple of days later.

Busy Week

This week has been quite busy with a couple of days shooting in and around Oslo, went to Riga to photograph a doctor and a trip to Trondheim. When not shooting or traveling I've basically been eating lamb and drinking beer with my good friends. I also spent some hours with Halvor a.k.a. Mr. Barsk while he was getting scarred for life.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Details Schmetails

Male Nudity

My friend Erik, studying medicine in Poland, crashed my couch after we enjoyed a tad too much alcohol friday night.

Weather-wise, this has been an amazing weekend. Spent both saturday and sunday hanging around st.hanshaugen, drinking coffee and enjoying the sun. Gotta love the spring baby.

Friday, March 14, 2008


I had a lovely friday shooting some portraits up in Østre Toten. Then finished the day with a sweet chocolate-cake at Østre Toten's house of culture.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

50 mm f/ 1.2

Bought some new equipment for my newly received work today. A new lens, a backpack, memorycard etc.

This is my assistent LK shot during lunch.

Oh, happy day

I got assigned to another job today, an annual report that sends me to Stockholm, Riga and South Africa, don't know what city yet and some photos in my own country. I'm leaving next week. And I'll be doing 4 portraits in different cities in Norway with another job. And I've also got a third job that will be done the first week in April. So the next 3-4 weeks is all packed and ready to go. That's cool.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Today I've done a lot of non-work related stuff. I started the day with a nice run, the slight rain made it even better, felt amazing afterwards. Then I went to the dentist to get my teeth fixed and now I've cleaned my apartment for more than 3 hours. It has never been this smooth here since I moved in. All my clothes have been washed and now it's time to make myself a splendid meal. It's raining hard outside and nothing feels better than to be inside a nice, warm apartment listening to the raindrops hitting the building.

Friday, March 07, 2008

Money, money, money

I tried to think of something cooler than having to pay 103.289,- nkr(13.000 euro) within one week but nope, nothing comes to mind.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

As the sun hits the sky

I woke up this morning feeling a bit emotional and philosophical and once I saw the beautiful weather outside I knew I had to go outside.
My mind needed some cleaning up and I felt like pondering about the ups and downs in life, it felt easier to wonder why some things have to be so F****** difficult with the sun in my eyes and good music in my ears. I walked for a couple of hours and even though I didn't find the answers to everything in life it felt good. I came across some missionaries on my way and actually spent quite some time talking to them. Most of the time I am as you all know cynical, selfish and not a very pleasant fella, but since I was in my bigger than life mood today it was good to talk to some people that believe in something I have not yet started to believe in. They were really nice and I had to photograph them when we separated, me with a flyer helping me to reach God, them with the belief they had salvaged another doomed soul.
A bit disappointed about the fact that they couldn't guarantee success in life, work and love if I only started to pray but they were quite sure my life would be better and more meaningful if I did. Maybe I'll start.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


I have finally started my fashion portfolio, hopefully I will finish it during the week. Had a veeeery exciting meeting last week, something superb might come out of it.
The client had other opinions than me and the ad agency about my last shoot, the picture we wanted was too sexy for them so they chose a picture I'm not so satisfied with. That sucks. Here is the neglected picture.

Now this is funny;